NPL Advisory Panel Survey on the Market for Non-Performing Loans


On March 6, 2024, the Non-performing loans (NPL) Advisory Panel of the European Commission launched an online survey on the state and outlook of the market for NPLs in Europe. The NPL Advisory Panel is a consultative expert group set up by the Commission Services (DG FISMA) to provide advice and expertise in NPLs to the Commission. The survey is intended to provide the NPL Advisory Panel with an overview of the NPL secondary markets in the EU, in terms of actors, transactions, and barriers to market development. All replies will be kept anonymous, and accessible only the secretariat of the NPL Advisory Panel. The survey can be taken until April 5, 2024.

The survey allows to provide replies for one jurisdiction at a time. Thus, in case you want to provide evidence on NPL markets for more than one jurisdiction, please complete the survey once for each jurisdiction.

Our CTO Burkhard Heppe has been a member of NPL Advisory Panel since its inception and NPL Markets Ltd. is pleased to support the survey through its network of professionals and institutions.


To respond to the survey please go to